Celebrating 10 years in the Industry!


The Fashion industry is the second-largest polluter in the world just after the oil industry. And the environmental damage is increasing as the industry grows. Nevertheless, when the fashion industry is handled right, it can change people and the environment behind the brand.

At Prince Overseas, we are inspired to make sustainable leather by the desire of Great Companies

Sustainability ensures 3D (the triple bottom line) development that means, a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Our system makes the business a better chance than an expense. For better practice, we support and encourage our leaders. We want to promote 3D activity for companies all over the world.

Sustainable Leather

The environmental impact of the tanning process of leather is strongly criticized for conventional leather. Leather can be environmentally friendly, however, not many options are still available on the market, but they do exist. The skin used to produce leather however comes from animals raised for their food. In this way, the skin uses a by-product of another company, so that it does not require additional land and resources. It is a product of the dead skin of animals. So our aim is to provide sustainable leather that can help in making leather products better

Sustainability Innovation

In the leather industry, conservation is becoming more and more relevant. New, forward-looking production of leather has to harmonize economic interests, environmental sustainability, and consumer benefits. This equilibrium is achieved and made a valuable asset to our leather industry partners: that is the basic idea behind Prince Overseas.
A systemic approach that consistently tackles the problems of the whole value chain is an Prince Overseas project. It covers the whole leather life cycle –with specifically defined development targets in corresponding areas:
  • Development of new technologies and chemical processes that are based primarily on green raw materials and do not use any ingredient that has essential toxicological qualities.

  • Improvement of processes by reducing energy needs and wastewater, productivity and the development of new ways of using by-products

  • Enhancing conservation leather products during and after use: longer service life, high use of leather and better reuse opportunities.

There is already a comprehensive leather chemical range that provides these advantages. Our X-series contains creative premium products, which are specifically tailored for imperishable leather manufacturing, and allow us to provide top quality service to our customers while helping them maintain their environment throughout the value chain.